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Map Your Adventure -- Create the Perfect Itinerary

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My eBook -- 'Map Your Adventure' -- is a detailed guide on how to create itineraries for Southeast Asia and India.

Create the perfect itinerary NOW!

"How do I create an itinerary?"

"Where are the must-sees and must do's in Asia?"

"What are the means of transport in Asia?"

"How much time should I spend at each destination?"

"I'm only traveling for a short time, how do I make the most of my time in Asia?"

The eBook will answer all of these questions and much more! You also get different itineraries with maps.

It's an eBook for all types of travelers; newbies to experienced, budget travelers to flashpackers.

For more information on the eBook, click on the link: Map Your Adventure

I also offer country and region booklets for a reasonable price; Southeast Asia, Thailand or India.

Asia July-August Photo Winner
Photo of the Month Winner
  July-August 2011

"This is what brought me to
China in the first place"

By Peter van der Lans
Sitiawan, Malaysia

New - August-September 2011 Asia Photo Contest
-- Submit Yours Now!

Online Photo Contest

Join the photo contest on Backpacking Tips!

Just by submitting a photo, you're getting free publicity.

The winner gets his/her photo on the home page and the right column on all pages of the site with credits to the photographer. I will also link to your site or blog. All this for a month.

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