by Backpacking Tips Asia
(Oslo, Norway)
Of all the crazy and dumb things I've done in my life, many of them have happened while traveling in Asia. Even though I've traveled a lot, there are so many things I take for granted and there are things that I tend to forget.
Here are 15 stupid things I've done while traveling in Asia:
1) Drink alcohol. Then drive a moped (Pai, Thailand 2007)
I magically think that I can drive while intoxicated. If that Thai man can drive after a couple of beers, why can't I? Who can I blame for the accident? God? - No. Me? - Yes.
2) Bargain too hard at the markets because I think that one dollar is so important keeping (Mumbai and Goa 2007).
When bargaining I always think that I should get a fair price. It's the principle of charging me too much compared to what locals are charged that gets me going. I sometimes forget that these people are trying to make a living.
3) Never shown patience in India (2007, 2011)
I can't blame Indians. I can't blame Indian culture. It doesn't help to nag Indians when it comes to time. So all I have to do is to be patient, and cross my fingers that something will happen on time.
Breathe and count to 10!!!
4) Book accommodation in advance, but I never turned up and I didn't even call (South Thailand 2008). I still think about it today, and I feel ashamed.
5) Argue loudly with taxi drivers in Malaysia because I think they're scamming me (2009).
When I've experienced that a few locals have scammed me, I think the whole world is setting me up.
6) Acting like a teenager when drunk in Goa, India (2007). I don't want to elaborate on this. It's just too embarrassing.
7) Give money to poor kids in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
In a naive way I think these children will benefit from the money, but instead they're drawn from school because this is a good way for parents to "earn" money.
8) Ride a motorbike with someone who has smoked pot (Southern Laos 2007). I don't want to give any names, but this happened in Pakse in south Laos. And I can't lie - I had a great time. But still, it was stupid.
9) Spend lots of money on clothing that looks good in Asia, but when I'm home - I look like a colorful hippie (2007/2008/2010/2011)
10) Think too much about my budget and can't relax (Thailand/Cambodia 2010)
11) Picking a cheap restaurant with few people inside and getting food-poisoned (Siem Reap, Cambodia 2010). Actually, it was my boyfriend who got food-poisoned but it was me who chose this restaurant.
12) Pre-book accommodation and pay for 3 nights without taking a look at the guesthouse first (Thailand 2008).
I booked accommodation on Koh Chang through a travel agent in Bangkok, and the manager told me that this guesthouse was right by the beach. When I arrived there, the guesthouse was located at least 30 minutes from the beach. I left after one night and lost the rest of the money.
13) Threw away a bottle of whisky which I got for my 25th birthday because I thought that Lao officials would bust me (Laos 2007). Dumb thought -- I should have kept it.
14) I came too close the monks during a monk procession (Luang Prabang, Laos 2007). I got some angry looks, and pictures of angry monks :-S
15) Spend too much money on bug sprays because of the scary thoughts of cockroaches and other insects crawling up my nostrils. Relax, I'm in Asia.
Have I learned from my stupid mistakes? Haha, I hope so! I've outgrown some of these "failures", but old habits die hard. Time will tell ;-)
Last updated: Sep 08, 2012
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