Indian Tourist Visa Travelling through Thailand to India

by Emma
(UK-West Midlands)

Question: Hi, in April I am heading to Sri Lanka for 3 months then I am heading to Thailand/Cambodia/Vietnam and then after about 3 weeks I'm heading to India. I don't really know when or how to get the right visa, should I get a 6 month visa for India before I leave which should be long enough or should I sort one out when I'm in Thailand or can I get one in Delhi on arrival when I am travelling from Thailand?

I don't really understand the rules and can't find the right information on the specific situation that I'm in so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

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Feb 01, 2014
by: Amanda - editor of Backpacking Tips Asia

Emma, you can get an Indian tourist visa in Cambodia (Phnom Penh), Thailand (Bangkok) and Vietnam (Hanoi). Just google the Indian embassy in each of these countries to get the address and opening hours.

If the political demonstrations in Bangkok don't settle by the time you get to Thailand, you should consider getting a visa in Vietnam or in Cambodia. You usually get a visa on the same day.

UK citizens don't get visa-on-arrival (yet). In October 2013, it was proposed to extend the visa-on-arrival scheme to almost all countries (including UK), but it was just a proposal and hasn't been implemented yet (they're waiting for clearance from the Home Ministry - latest news). You should keep your ears open the next few weeks/months - it should come soon.

Check out my article Tourist visa for India

Hope this helps,

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